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Ivaylo Ivanov

  I was born 1980 in Bulgaria in the city of Ruse - the city of the free spirit from more ancient time known as “Sexaginta Prista” Port of the sixty ships fortress near river Danube. Half of my life past in Bulgaria and then I start exploring other countries. Now I’m settled in Edinburgh with full British citizenship. I do speak English, Bulgarian and Russian.  

From very young I was always interested in the spiritual life and the time that I have spent travelling gave me the opportunity to meet different people and cultures from around the world. This help me to develop myself as what I'm now and still keep learning from life.

English pronunciation of my name - Evailo. Origin of the name  Ivaylo, became popular around the accession to the throne of King Ivailo (1277 – 1280), whose full name was Kurt Dox Uvash. Kurt means "wolf" in proto-Bulgarian, and Valo, Vail, Ivail, Ivailo are later Slavic transcriptions of it. The name Dox, which translates as "pig", indicates the year of Ivaylo's reign according to the proto-Bulgarian calendar (the most accurate calendar ever exit proven form UNESCO), and Uvash translate as "the magnificent one" is his nickname.

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