Mobile Service for Edinburgh

Honey Detox Massage:

Approximated time: one hour honey detox massage for your convenience at your own place £50.00 ( applying massage techniques on your back with herbal honey product )

Classic Massage: 

One hour (approximated time) full body massage for your convenience at your own place GBP 30.00 ( applying massage techniques with grape seed oil or massage wax: upper lower back, arms, shoulders, neck, chest, back and front of legs, feet - regarding client needs)

Seated Massage:

15 minutes of seated massage for your convenience at your office or working environment £10.00 per person. Minimum booking of 5 people ( applying massage techniques while the client is fully clothed: neck, shoulders, arms, hands, upper back, lower back, hips )


Half an hour £30.00 ( working with point pressures on your feet & hands )

Approximated time: half an hour £20.00

My mobile massage service is available in Edinburgh and surrounding area up to 5 miles. ( If there is a car park fee will be covered by the client. ) Minimum space required, for my massage table 2.5m x 1.5m so I can walk around it.


Studio service

Honey Detox Massage:

Approximated time: one hour honey detox massage £70.00 ( applying massage techniques on your back with herbal honey product )

Classic Massage:

One hour £50.00 full body massage ( applying massage techniques with grape seed oil or massage wax: upper lower back, arms, shoulders, neck, chest, back and front of legs, feet - regarding client needs )

To book a date and hour for yourself please use the contact section
( Booking in the studio to be made one week in advance. )

Payment methods acceptable: 

Cash, Check or Bank Transfer

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